Wednesday, March 2

Treasury Love!

I am part of a new treasury chain with the Etsy Paper team! The idea is that it starts with 16 people, one of which was me, and they are all featured in a treasury. Then it is the job of each of those people to create a treasury featuring the person who featured them, and 15 other etsypaper team members. It seemed like great fun! and it is! However, it is also a lot of work! It is more work than usual because I can only use etsy paper team members, but it is still cool, and I am getting to know the work of a lot of the team! Here are two treasuries I made so far:

Flutterbye My Heart

What's Black and White and READ all over?

Here is one treasury that features my item: Love & Hearts That's All You Need

I will be creating and posting much more in the future!

I found these awesome chip-board on super sale recently:

I can't wait to start making cards with them! Yay!!

1 comment:

Della said...

My oldest daughter is a card maker and scrap book-er! I bought her a Zutter for Christmas, and some chipboard and things to go with it. It looks like you found some fun ones!